Today the problem of high cholesterol is mostly found in men younger than 55 years and in women older than 55 years. Cholesterol is a waxy or fat like substance that plays important role in the body to produce many hormones. Cholesterol is naturally presented everywhere in body including the brain, nerves, muscles, skin, liver, intestines, and heart.
The high cholesterol level can be caused due to heredity, diet, alcoholism, smoking, mental stress, obesity or excess weight and unhealthy lifestyle. The risk for high cholesterol also increases with age.
The following are some diet healthy tips for preventing high cholesterol:
To diminishing the bad cholesterol levels without affecting good HDL cholesterol one should consume more fiber, fruits, vegetables and whole cereals like maize, rice, wheat, sorghum, etc.
The food like flaxseeds, walnuts, eggs and cold water oily fishes like salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines contains polyunsaturated fatty acids which is good for lowering the bad cholesterol. It also helps to reduce the risk of coronary disease
Prefer olive oil as it contains linolenic acid, which is also called as polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Soybean and tofu is a great source of complete proteins and it also provides omega w-3 which is good for health.
One should avoid the consumption of red meat and sausage.
Avoid the consumption salt because it increases the blood pressure.
The intake of alcohol, tobacco, and coffee should be limited.
With this, one should also have to do regular exercise. These points will help you to maintain your cholesterol level low.