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Physical and Psychological Benefits of Yoga

Posted by jackanderson Sunday, January 8, 2012

It is said that yoga is an art of honorable living which is beneficial for body, mind and inner spirit. Yoga has been practiced from more than 5,000 years to enjoying its health benefits.
Yoga is considered for therapeutic as it helps to makes the body more flexible and also helps you to relax even in a stress stricken environment. This is a one of the foremost reasons why people prefer to yoga practice.

Following are some Physical Benefits of Yoga

 Yoga decreases the pulse rate and respiratory rate.
Reduces the blood pressure
 EMG activity decreases
 Cardiovascular efficiency
 Increases the respiratory efficiency
 Normalizes the gastrointestinal function
 Normalizes the endocrine function
 Excretory functions improve
 Increases the grip strength
 Eye-hand coordination improves
 Posture improves
 Energy level increases
 Weight normalizes
 Sleep improves
 Immunity increases
 Pain decreases
 Balance improves
 Integrated functioning of body parts improves

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

 Improves mood
 Self-acceptance and self-actualization increase
 Anxiety and Depression decrease
 Hostility decreases
 Concentration improves
 Memory improves
 Attention improves
 Learning efficiency improves
 Attention improves
 Concentration improves
 Memory improves
 Learning efficiency improves
 Symbol coding improves
 Depth perception improves

1 Responses to Physical and Psychological Benefits of Yoga

  1. Unknown Says:
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