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Physical and Psychological Benefits of Yoga

Posted by jackanderson Sunday, January 8, 2012 1 comments

It is said that yoga is an art of honorable living which is beneficial for body, mind and inner spirit. Yoga has been practiced from more than 5,000 years to enjoying its health benefits.
Yoga is considered for therapeutic as it helps to makes the body more flexible and also helps you to relax even in a stress stricken environment. This is a one of the foremost reasons why people prefer to yoga practice.

Following are some Physical Benefits of Yoga

 Yoga decreases the pulse rate and respiratory rate.
Reduces the blood pressure
 EMG activity decreases
 Cardiovascular efficiency
 Increases the respiratory efficiency
 Normalizes the gastrointestinal function
 Normalizes the endocrine function
 Excretory functions improve
 Increases the grip strength
 Eye-hand coordination improves
 Posture improves
 Energy level increases
 Weight normalizes
 Sleep improves
 Immunity increases
 Pain decreases
 Balance improves
 Integrated functioning of body parts improves

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

 Improves mood
 Self-acceptance and self-actualization increase
 Anxiety and Depression decrease
 Hostility decreases
 Concentration improves
 Memory improves
 Attention improves
 Learning efficiency improves
 Attention improves
 Concentration improves
 Memory improves
 Learning efficiency improves
 Symbol coding improves
 Depth perception improves

3 Simple Tips to increase sexual stamina.

Posted by jackanderson Monday, January 2, 2012 3 comments


There are many men in this world who are suffering from low sexual desire and low sexual stamina. These problems affect the self esteem and the personal life of individual. Therefore following are some tips which will help you to increase your sexual stamina and you will be able to stay last long in bed and able to give your woman the best orgasm she's ever had.

1.  Consume those foods which will help you to last longer in bed.  The foods blueberries, Garlic, Chocolate, and Peanuts etc are very much beneficial to increase sexual powers.

Therefore the better you eat, the better your sexual performance will be.

2.  Masturbation is a good way to reduce the sexual tension that can build up over time.

3. You can also increase your sexual stamina by using a different sexual position.  This will help you to last longer and will help you give her an orgasm.

Therefore above are some tips that will help to increase your sexual stamina. So follow these tips if you want to be last long time in bed. This will help you to have the best sex you've ever had.

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Jack Anderson is Working as a Expert Editor for various online Pharmacies like and committed to provide all the information about Men's Health, women's health, Hair loss, Weight loss, Erectile Dysfunction drugs like generic viagra online, lovegra, generic levitra , zenegra, kamagra online, Edegra, Buy Meltabs, Buy Caverta and many more.
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