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Garlic- A Best Home Remedy for Health Problems.

Posted by jackanderson Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Since ancient times garlic has been used as a medicinal plant. The scientific name of garlic is Allium sativum. It is a specie form onion family Alliaceous. It contains a vital chemical compound which is called as allicin that is the marvelous healing ingredient. The researchers have found that allicin compound contains sulfur that gives the garlic a strong and peculiar smell. Due to this garlic have innumerable health benefits. It not only fights with heart ailments but also fights with cold, cough, and high blood pressure level.

The health benefits of garlic are as follow:

Garlic has been very much beneficial for diabetic patient. As Diabetes could harm the kidneys, nervous system, and heart disorder and also lead to poor eyesight. Therefore to avoid this diabetic patients can use oil extracted from garlic.

High cholesterol levels:
As garlic is rich in allicin compound, it helps to prevent LDL cholesterol. Therefore all those who have a problem of high cholesterol should start taking garlic in daily diet.

Garlic is a best herbal for treating hypertension. As it contains allicin which works by relaxing the blood vessels. Garlic also works by fighting against thrombosis.

Daily consumption of garlic helps for proper digestion. It assists in normal functioning of intestines which is very much essential for apt digestion. The swelling or irritation of the gastric can be solved by consumption of garlic.

Eye care:
As garlic is rich in nutrients like Selenium, Quercetin and Vitamin C thus it helps to treat eye and eye related problem like infections and swellings.  

Earache can be treated with the help of garlic oil as it contains several antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic properties.

Intestinal problems:
The intestinal problems like dysentery, diarrhea and colitis can be treated with the help of garlic, it also aid in digestion buy destroying the harmful bacteria present in intestine.

Cold, Infected wounds & Asthma:
Garlic is a best natural remedy to treat cold and cough. Infected wounds can be treated by placing garlic on it. Boiled cloves of garlic can do wonders for asthma treatment. It is a best herbal treatment.  

Garlic with honey, cream and turmeric is a best remedy for acne and acne scars. It also helps to prevent acne growth.  Garlic is also best cleanser for the skin rashes.

Sexual problems:  
Garlic contains aphrodisiac properties is used for an effectual sex rejuvenator. Garlic is also well known for enhancing the libido powers of both men & women.

Thus garlic is also used by World War medical surgeons. They use garlic as anti-septic for treating war wounds. Garlic contains many useful minerals like phosphorous, calcium and iron, iodine, sulfur and chlorine which are very much beneficial for our body.


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