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Garlic- A Best Home Remedy for Health Problems.

Posted by jackanderson Wednesday, December 7, 2011 0 comments

Since ancient times garlic has been used as a medicinal plant. The scientific name of garlic is Allium sativum. It is a specie form onion family Alliaceous. It contains a vital chemical compound which is called as allicin that is the marvelous healing ingredient. The researchers have found that allicin compound contains sulfur that gives the garlic a strong and peculiar smell. Due to this garlic have innumerable health benefits. It not only fights with heart ailments but also fights with cold, cough, and high blood pressure level.

The health benefits of garlic are as follow:

Garlic has been very much beneficial for diabetic patient. As Diabetes could harm the kidneys, nervous system, and heart disorder and also lead to poor eyesight. Therefore to avoid this diabetic patients can use oil extracted from garlic.

High cholesterol levels:
As garlic is rich in allicin compound, it helps to prevent LDL cholesterol. Therefore all those who have a problem of high cholesterol should start taking garlic in daily diet.

Garlic is a best herbal for treating hypertension. As it contains allicin which works by relaxing the blood vessels. Garlic also works by fighting against thrombosis.

Daily consumption of garlic helps for proper digestion. It assists in normal functioning of intestines which is very much essential for apt digestion. The swelling or irritation of the gastric can be solved by consumption of garlic.

Eye care:
As garlic is rich in nutrients like Selenium, Quercetin and Vitamin C thus it helps to treat eye and eye related problem like infections and swellings.  

Earache can be treated with the help of garlic oil as it contains several antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic properties.

Intestinal problems:
The intestinal problems like dysentery, diarrhea and colitis can be treated with the help of garlic, it also aid in digestion buy destroying the harmful bacteria present in intestine.

Cold, Infected wounds & Asthma:
Garlic is a best natural remedy to treat cold and cough. Infected wounds can be treated by placing garlic on it. Boiled cloves of garlic can do wonders for asthma treatment. It is a best herbal treatment.  

Garlic with honey, cream and turmeric is a best remedy for acne and acne scars. It also helps to prevent acne growth.  Garlic is also best cleanser for the skin rashes.

Sexual problems:  
Garlic contains aphrodisiac properties is used for an effectual sex rejuvenator. Garlic is also well known for enhancing the libido powers of both men & women.

Thus garlic is also used by World War medical surgeons. They use garlic as anti-septic for treating war wounds. Garlic contains many useful minerals like phosphorous, calcium and iron, iodine, sulfur and chlorine which are very much beneficial for our body.

Second Hand Smoke Dangerous to Health

Posted by jackanderson Wednesday, November 23, 2011 0 comments

Passive smoking has become a major problem of the general public nowadays. It is proved that Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body and diminishes a person’s overall health. It is also observed that second hand smoke also affects your health. Second hand smoke is also called as environmental tobacco smoke it is a combination of side stream smoke and mainstream smoke. People may exposed to secondhand smoke in homes, cars, the workplace, and public places, such as bars, restaurants, and recreational settings.

Serious Health Risk of Second Hand Smoke:

It can cause lung cancer in adults who do not smoke.
It also increases the risk of heart disease.

It causes asthma in children

Exposure to secondhand smoke also increases the risk for sudden infant death syndrome.

Children younger than 6 years have risk of lower respiratory tract infections like pneumonia and bronchitis.

During pregnancy due to second hand smoke the risk of low birth weight increases.

The secondhand smoke also causes chronic coughing, phlegm and wheezing, eye and nose irritation.

Exercise and Sexuality

Posted by jackanderson Wednesday, September 14, 2011 0 comments

Everybody knows that exercise is key for healthy living but you did know that it may also improve you sex life.  Certainly exercise helps to reduce weight, cholesterol and blood pressure, but it also helps to improve the sexual life. The studies have found that, there is a direct connection between physical inactivity and lack of potency. Thus you can enhance your potency and sex drive by doing regular exercise. This will assist your sexual life more pleasant.

The following are some exercise which will help to improve your sexual life:

Cardio Endurance 

Cardio Endurance is essential for passionate sex. It helps to make heart strong, because it is an important muscle of the body and if your heart is healthy then health related problem will not occur. Therefore running, walking or swimming is best cardio exercise which you can enjoy. 

Muscular Endurance      
For perfect sex you must requires a little muscular endurance because sometimes you hold some irregular positions for short period of time. Thus muscular endurance can prepare your body to enjoy long lasting sex. For that you have need to learn about weight training.

Strength – 

Muscular strength is called as amount of force that your muscles can use against to resistance. This makes your muscles strong and a strong muscle helps you to push, pull, jump, twist, turn and bend easily. Muscular strength may help you to hold your body mass for long period of time during standing sex positions. 

Flexibility – 

Flexibility will help you to enhance your sexual life. You can easily change any position with grace. It will increase your range of motion; this will made you more creative in the bedroom.   To improve your body flexibility you add some flexibility exercise like leg stretches, hip flexing exercise and yoga.
 Thus sex and exercise both will help you to reduce stress and if you put both of this in your regular life you will be able to stay relax and happy.

Health Benefits of Fig

Posted by jackanderson Wednesday, August 24, 2011 0 comments

Fruits play an important part in our vigorous diet as they have important nutrition value. Thus here are some information about fig fruit. It is a deciduous shrub which is found in southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region. Figs are common known as edible fruits. 

The health benefits of figs include:
1.      Treatment of sexual weakness
2.      Constipation
3.      Piles
4.      Diabetes
5.      Cough
6.      Asthma
7.      Bronchitis
8.      Weight loss
9.      Hypertension
10.  Cancer prevention 
Figs are good source of vitamin A, vitamin B, iron, calcium and manganese. This is because it is a seasonal fruit and a seasonal fruit contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. 

Health Benefits of Fig Fruit

Supports Healthy Bones
A fig contains high levels of calcium and fiber which helps to strengthen bones and maintain bone density. This fruit also avoid the disorders like osteoporosis.
Prevents Formation of Hard Stools
Low level of fiber in a diet results to constipation. As fig contains a large amount of fiber it helps to soften the stools. This helps intestines to get rid of the stool effortlessly.
Thus fig is very much beneficial for healthy bowel function.

Promotes Healthy Heart
Figs are the great source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids which help to prevent several heart diseases. And Omega 3 is beneficial to prevent cancer and other inflammatory disease.  Thus it is also known as magical fruit.

 Lowers High Cholesterol Level
Fig contains essential soluble fiber that helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. And a high cholesterol level puts a person in the zone of cardiovascular problems. Thus one can easily reduce his cholesterol levels by consuming figs.

Sexual Weakness
Sexual weakness can be treated with the consumption of figs. Dip 2-3 dry figs in milk while sleeping and consume it in the morning; it will help you to boost your sexual power.

Good for Eyesight
Figs are the great source of vitamin A and B2. And these vitamins are very much beneficial for eyesight. Thus you can prevent your eyesight from deterioration which mostly occurs with age.

 Thus fig is very much important for our health and it should be consumed on a regular basis, however it is a seasonal fruit which is not available regularly in a market. So whenever figs are available in market one should purchase it.

Conjunctivitis -The problem leading to Pink Eyes

Posted by jackanderson Thursday, August 11, 2011 0 comments

The monsoons session comes with lots of health related problems such as Conjunctivitis. The Conjunctivitis problems have been increase day by day in our life. Another name for Conjunctivitis is pink eye. It is an infection of conjunctiva. Conjunctiva is a membrane which covers the scler the white part of the eye and lines inside of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is caused due to infection of bacteria, viruses and allergies. Thus doctors always advised that people with pain and redness in the eye must immediately go to Ophthalmologist.
The common symptoms of conjunctivitis are redness of the eye, tearing of the eyes and eye irritation. The vision remains normal. And if you experienced vision problems, then you are advised to see an ophthalmologist immediately because it can cause serious problem.
The following are some more symptoms of conjunctivitis:
Itching or burning sensations
Redness of eye
Watering eye
Download Grey
Eye pain

Viral is a most common reason for conjunctivitis. An easy step to avoid conjunctivitis is to wash hands thoroughly with soap.

Towels and handkerchiefs can be a reason which causes these types of disease. Eye drops are very much helpful to treat the virus. Avoid sharing eye drops as it can cause
contamination. Avoid the used to contact lenses.
 The places where you can easily take this disease are theaters, shopping malls, local trains and buses and markets, swimming pool.
 Follow the above tips because avoidance is always better than cure.

Importance of Cranberries.

Posted by jackanderson Wednesday, June 29, 2011 0 comments

Cranberries are small-sized deep red color berries which have great nutritional importance. Cranberries are healthier as when it is taken in the form of juice. Cranberries includes Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, dietary fiber, and beta-carotene.

Cranberries juice can be beneficial to our health in many ways: 
Urinary Tract infection
Urinary Tract infection (UTI) is an infection that starts in the urinary system including bladder, kidneys, ureters and urethra. 

Cranberry juice fights as a defense against urinary tract infections. It has been used for more than century named as home remedy to prevent and cure Urinary Tract infection .Drinking a glass of cranberry juice decrease risks of infections as well as prevents cystitis.  
Cardiovascular health
The damages caused by free radicals are prevented by Cranberry juice. As it contains antioxidants and polyphenols it also helps to decrease bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol

 Respiratory infections
Cranberry juice helps in preventing the Haemophilus influenza, which is a common cause of ear and respiratory infection present in children. 

 Cranberry juice inhibits a bacterium that is common cause of ear and respiratory infections in children. It can inhibit certain damage of Haemophilus influenza.

Kidney stone prevention
Cranberry juice also prevents us from kidney stone as it contains high amount of acid components.

Strong bones and teeth
Cranberry juice is a loaded with calcium which makes teeth strong and prevents bones from osteoporosis.
There are many other benefits which are as follow:
-          Cranberries fights the herpes virus
-          This juice protects against macular degeneration
-          Cranberry juice helps to prevent gum disease
-     Cranberry juice consumption can destroy the cancer and stomach ulcer

  Thus Cranberry juice consumption is very much beneficial for our health. And every one should start consuming it .

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